カテゴリー: article

Engineering NIR PL in biological window

Gao(PD)’s work with AIST G was published in J. Lumin.! Congrats, Gao-kun! / Gao君(PD)の産総研時代の仕事がJ. Limin. …

2021年7月2日 0

Unique octa­hedral rotation pattern in the oxygen-deficient Ruddlesden–Popper com­pound

新しいRP化合物の合成に関する田中教授と名工大Gとの共同研究成果がActa Crystallogr. Cに掲載されました!/ A collaborative work with Nagoya Institute of T…

2021年6月30日 0

PL from a sandwiched emitter-サンドイッチでもっと明るく-

ナノアンテナシールを貼ることで簡単に3次元ナノアンテナを作製する新手法の開発に成功しました。この技術を応用した発光増強をデモンストレーションしました。/ We have developed a new method to…

2021年5月11日 0

Retardation effect on the plasmonic resonances

F. Zhang’s (PD) work, in collaboration with UTT (France), on the height effect of Al nanodisks on the pl…

2021年4月29日 0

Oxidation pathway to titania metasurfaces

Our work on TiO2 metasurface is out in Journal of Applied Physics! / TiO2のメタサーフェスの新規作製法と発光制御に関する愛知(M2)らの成果がJou…

2021年4月25日 0

Evolutionary optimization of light-matter coupling in open plasmonic cavities

Evolutionary optimization of light-matter coupling in open plasmonic cavities!!

2021年4月3日 0

Up-conversion at the transparent window of water

Our work on the up-conversion enhancement by the plasmonic array is published in ACS Applied Energy Materials.…

2021年3月31日 0

Extreme thermal anisotropy in high-aspect-ratio titanium nitride nanostructures for efficient photothermal heating

Our collaborative work with NIMS & DTU was published on Nanophotonics !! / NIMSとデンマーク工科大学との共同研究成果がNanophot…

2021年3月4日 0

Mechanical Manipulation of a Fiber‐Optical Microprobe Fabricated from Oxide Glasses with Magnetic Force Response

田中教授とドイツ・フリードリヒ・シラー大学イエナとの共同研究成果がAdvanced Photonics Research に掲載されました! / Collaborative work between Prof. Tana…

2021年2月13日 0

Stick-and-play metasurfaces for directional light outcoupling /貼って使えるメタ表面ステッカ-

Our work on metasurface sticker has been published on Applied Physics Letters /メタ表面ステッカ-の作製と応用に関する阿形(M2)らの論文がA…

2021年1月15日 0

Surface roughness and substrate induced symmetry-breaking: influence on the plasmonic properties of aluminum nanostructure arrays

F. Zhang (post-doc) has published a new article in Nanoscale. This is a work during his phD in Troyes. Congrat…

2020年12月15日 0

Improving the plasmonic response of silver nanoparticle arrays via atomic layer deposition coating and annealing above the melting point

Our work on improvement of plasmonic response of the silver nanoparticle array by using RTA above the melting …

2020年12月4日 0

Influence of order-to-disorder transitions on the optical properties of the aluminum plasmonic metasurface

F. Zhang (post-doc) published an article in Nanoscale. This is a work during his phD course in Troyes, France.…

2020年11月27日 0

Aluminum for Near Infrared Plasmonics: Amplified Up‐Conversion Photoluminescence from Core–Shell Nanoparticles on Periodic Lattices

Our work, in collaboration with AIST and NIMS is published in Advanced Optical Materials. / アルミニウムナノ粒子アレイを用いた1…

2020年11月9日 0

Broadband scattering by an aluminum nanoparticle array as a white pixel in commercial color printing applications

Our work, in collaboration with UTT (France), is published on Optics Express. In this manuscript, F. Zhang (po…

2020年8月19日 0

Collective Mie Exciton-Polaritons in an Atomically Thin Semiconductor

Our work, in collaboration with TU/e (the Netherlands) and Soochow U. (China), was out in J. Phys. Chem. C. ht…

2020年8月7日 0

Bound States in the Continuum in the Visible Emerging from out-of-plane Magnetic Dipoles

Our work, in collaboration with TU/e (the Netherlands) and IEM-CSIC (Spain) is out in ACS Photonics./ TU/e (オラ…

2020年8月1日 0

Spin glass transition of single-crystalline TmFe2O4-δ

Our work on magnetic properties of TmFe2O4−δ single crystal is published on Journal of Physics: Condensed Matt…

2020年7月13日 0

Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets on Plasmonic Arrays of Al Nanocylinders for Optical Sensing

Our work, in collaboration with Osaka Pref. Univ., on LDH-on-Plasmonic Array for Optical Sensing is out in ACS…

2020年6月11日 0

Perovskite-Type CuNbO3 Exhibiting Unusual Noncollinear Ferrielectric to Collinear Ferroelectric Dipole Order Transition

Our work on perovskite-type CuNbO3 is published in Chemistry of Materials. This is a collaboration work with F…

2020年6月4日 0