Mie-SLRs in Si nanoparticle array

Our manuscript on Mie SLR is accepted by Advanced Optical Materials. The work is in collaboration with J. Gomez Rivas group in TU/e. An enhanced emission of high quantum yield molecules coupled to dielectric metasurfaces formed by periodic arrays of polycrystalline silicon nanoparticles is demonstrated. Radiative coupling of the nanoparticles, mediated by in-plane diffraction, leads to the formation of collective Mie scattering resonances or Mie surface lattice resonances (M-SLRs), with remarkable narrow line widths. These narrow line widths and the intrinsic electric and magnetic dipole moments of the individual Si nanoparticles allow resolving electric and magnetic M-SLRs. Incidence angle- and polarization-dependent extinction measurements and high-accuracy surface integral simulations show unambiguously that magnetic M-SLRs arise from in- and out-of-plane magnetic dipoles, while electric M-SLRs are due to in-plane electric dipoles. Pronounced changes in the emission spectrum of the molecules are observed, with almost a 20-fold enhancement of the emission in defined directions of molecules coupled to electric M-SLRs, and a fivefold enhancement of the emission of molecules coupled to magnetic M-SLRs. These measurements demonstrate the potential of dielectric metasurfaces for emission control and enhancement, and open new opportunities to induce asymmetric scattering and emission using collective electric and magnetic resonances./多結晶シリコンナノ粒子の周期的な配列によって形成された誘電体メタ表面に結合された高量子収率分子の増強された放出が実証されます。面内回折によって媒介されるナノ粒子の放射結合は、顕著な狭い線幅をもつ集団ミー散乱共鳴またはミー表面格子共鳴(M-SLR)の形成につながります。これらの狭い線幅と個々のSiナノ粒子の固有の電気および磁気双極子モーメントにより、電気および磁気M-SLRに分離できます。入射角と偏光に依存する消光測定と高精度の表面積分シミュレーションにより、面内および面外の磁気双極子から磁気M-SLRが発生し、面内電気双極子に起因する電気M-SLRが明確に示されます。分子の発光スペクトルの顕著な変化が観察され、電気的M-SLRに結合された分子の定義された方向での発光のほぼ20倍の増強と、磁気M-SLRに結合された分子の発光の5倍の増強が見られます。これらの成果は、放出制御と強化のための誘電体メタ表面の可能性を示し、集団的な電気および磁気共鳴を使用して非対称散乱と放出を誘発する新しい機会を与えます。
Enhanced Light Emission by Magnetic and Electric Resonances in Dielectric Metasurfaces, Shunsuke Murai,* Gabriel W. Castellanos, T. V. Raziman, Alberto G. Curto,and Jaime Gomez Rivas* Adv. Optical Mater. 2020, 1902024 https://doi.org/10.1002/adom.201902024.
This article is also in “Hot Topic: Surfaces and Interfaces” of the Wiley publisher.