(Journal Cover!) Tuning SLR with LC

Our collaborative work with TU/e was accepted in Journal of Applied Physics! Here we succeeded in tuning the SLR by an electric potential. S. Murai contributed to this work by making the metasurface on ITO film. Congrats, Erik! The article was also cited on Scilight! and selected as journal cover of this issue. You can find it on the bottom of this page. / TU/e(オランダ)との共同研究成果がJournal of Applied Physicsに掲載されました!液晶とナノアンテナを組み合わせ、電場で共鳴モードを制御しています。本論文はScilight でも取り上げられました(本ページの最後にPDFあり)。JAPのCover imageに選ばれました!
The combination of nano-particle arrays supporting collective surface lattice resonances (SLRs) with liquid crystals (LCs) allows for the creation of tunable metasurface devices in which the optoelectronic tunability of the nematic LC is translated into the spectral tunability of the SLR. The dependency of the SLR on the refractive index of the environment
and the tunable refractive index of the LC is exploited to realize a change in the SLR wavelength. We report on the design, fabrication and analysis of such a device whose electrical tunability of the liquid crystal between a planar state and a homeotropic state of alignment allows for quick and reversible tuning of the SLR wavelength with a large degree of control. This device also offers the possibility to switch on and off the presence of a quasi-guided mode in the indium-tin-oxide electrode by simply adjusting an electric potential. /
表面格子共鳴(SLR)をサポートするナノ粒子アレイと液晶(LC)の組み合わせにより、SLRの環境の屈折率への依存性 また、LCの調整可能な屈折率を利用して、ネマチックLCの電気的調整がSLRのスペクトル調整に変換されるメタ表面デバイスが作製できます。 平面状態とホメオトロピック配向状態の間の液晶の電気的調整が、SLR波長の迅速かつ可逆的な調整を可能にします。 このデバイスは、電位を調整するだけで、酸化インジウムスズ電極のガイドモードの存在のオンとオフを切り替えることもできます。
Electric tuning and switching of the resonant response of nanoparticle arrays with liquid crystals Erik van Heijst, Stan E.T. ter Huurne, Jeroen A.H.P. Sol, Gabriel W. Castellanos, Mohammad Ramezani, Shunsuke Murai, Michael G. Debije and Jaime Gómez Rivas, Journal of Applied Physics 131, 083101 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0079016 https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0009655 オープンアクセスです/ Open access!
This work was supported by JSPS bilateral collaborative work / 本研究はJSPS2国間交流事業「発光制御ナノアンテナの科学の深化」(JPJSBP120219920)の成果です