Liu (D2), Gao (PD), and Murai will present talks in Pacrim / GOMD. It was going to be held at Vancouver (Canada), but became online. / Liu (D2)さん, Gao (PD)君, 村井助教の3名がPacrim / GOMDで口頭発表を行います。 バンクーバーでの開催予定でしたが、残念ながらオンラインとなりました。
14th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM 14) including Glass & Optical Materials Division 2021 Annual Meeting (GOMD 2021)
Symposium 21: Crystalline Materials for Electrical, Optical, and Medical Applications 11:40 AM, Dec 15
(PACRIM-321-2021) Loss reduction via annealing and lattice Kerker effect in silicon metasurfaces
L. Liu*; F. Zhang; S. Murai; K. Tanaka
PACRIM Symposium 14: Functional Nanomaterials for Energy Harvesting and Solar Fuels Dec 16 10:30 AM
(PACRIM-393-2021) Plasmonic Enhancement of Luminescence from Er3+/Yb3+/Nd3+ Co-doped Upconversion Nanoparticles by Aluminum Lattice Mode
Y. Gao*; S. Murai; K. Shinozaki; K. Tanaka
Symposium 8: Porous Ceramics: Innovative Processing and Advanced Applications: 9:30 AM, Dec 15 (PACRIM-295-2021) Combining sol-gel-derived thin films with metasurfaces to tailor the optical functionalities (Invited)
S. Murai