Plasmonics Symposium
F. Zhang (PD) and Y. Gao (PD) gave a talk in Plasmonics Symposium online.
Surface roughness and substrate induced symmetry-breaking: influence on the plasmonic properties of aluminum nanostructure arrays(表面粗さと基板誘起非対称性:アルミニウムナノアレイのプラズモン特性への影響), 〇Feifei Zhang, Shunsuke Murai, Katsuhisa Tanaka (Kyoto Univ.)
Amplified upconversion luminescence using aluminum-based plasmon lattice mode excited by 808 nm light (アルミニウムプラズモン格子モードによる808nm励起でのアップコンバージョン蛍光増強), 〇Yuan Gao1, Shusuke Murai1, Kenji Shinozaki2, Katsuhisa Tanaka1 (Kyoto Univ. 1, AIST2)