投稿者: murai

JAP Special Topic: Emerging Materials and Devices for Efficient Light Generation

A Special Topic Collection in Journal of Applied Physics, titled Emerging Materials and Devices for Efficient …

2020年9月10日 0

Mid-term Master Presentation in Material Chemistry


2020年8月19日 0

Broadband scattering by an aluminum nanoparticle array as a white pixel in commercial color printing applications

Our work, in collaboration with UTT (France), is published on Optics Express. In this manuscript, F. Zhang (po…

2020年8月19日 0

Defense Kim YouJin

Kim YouJin (D3) defended her doctoral thesis, “Preparation and magnetic properties of layered rare-earth…

2020年8月6日 0

Bound States in the Continuum in the Visible Emerging from out-of-plane Magnetic Dipoles

Our work, in collaboration with TU/e (the Netherlands) and IEM-CSIC (Spain) is out in ACS Photonics./ TU/e (オラ…

2020年8月1日 0

Spin glass transition of single-crystalline TmFe2O4-δ

Our work on magnetic properties of TmFe2O4−δ single crystal is published on Journal of Physics: Condensed Matt…

2020年7月13日 0

Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets on Plasmonic Arrays of Al Nanocylinders for Optical Sensing

Our work, in collaboration with Osaka Pref. Univ., on LDH-on-Plasmonic Array for Optical Sensing is out in ACS…

2020年6月11日 0

Perovskite-Type CuNbO3 Exhibiting Unusual Noncollinear Ferrielectric to Collinear Ferroelectric Dipole Order Transition

Our work on perovskite-type CuNbO3 is published in Chemistry of Materials. This is a collaboration work with F…

2020年6月4日 0

Magnetic properties of epitaxial TmFe2O4 thin film with anomalous interface structure

Our work on TmFe2O4 thin film is published in the Journal of Material Chemistry C. This is a collaborative wor…

2020年6月4日 0

Our article in ACS Photonics selected as one of the most important contribution in nanophotonics

This work,ACS Photonics 2020, 7, 5, 1226-1234, was selected as one of the 24 most important contributions to A…

2020年6月3日 0

Mie-SLRs in Si nanoparticle array

Our manuscript on Mie SLR is accepted by Advanced Optical Materials. The work is in collaboration with J. Gome…

2020年5月8日 1

Photonic engineering of superbroadband near-infrared emission in nanoglass composites containing hybrid metal and dielectric nanocrystals

The work by Z. Gao (Guest Research Fellow) and coauthors is published in Photonics Research!/ Z. Gao (外国人共同研究者…

2020年6月15日 0

Optical Responses of Localized and Extended Modes in a Mesoporous Layer on Plasmonic Array to Isopropanol Vapor

J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124, 10, 5772–5779 Mesoporous silica features open and accessible pores that can intake…

2020年6月19日 0

Exciton-Polaritons with Magnetic and Electric Character in All-dielectric Metasurfaces

Our work on strong coupling of dye molecules with Si nanoparticle array is published in ACS Photonics. This is…

2020年6月3日 0

Farewell D3 & M2

bon voyage!

2020年6月10日 0